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How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System?

How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System?

When you take CBD, your body absorbs it into your bloodstream, where it travels to different parts and starts working. Over time, your body breaks it down and removes it, mainly through urine and stool. This means that CBD does not stay in your system forever. But for how long does it stay? The answer is not the same for everyone. How long it lasts depends on several things.

Factors That Affect How Long CBD Stays in Your System

How You Take It

CBD comes in many forms, including oils and tinctures, which are usually taken under the tongue, edibles like gummies and capsules, vapes, and topicals, such as creams and lotions.

The method you choose affects how long CBD stays in your system. Vaping works the fastest but also leaves the body the quickest. Edibles and oils take longer to absorb but also stay in your system longer. Topicals usually don’t enter the bloodstream much, so they don’t have the same effect on the whole body.

How Much CBD You Take

The more CBD you take, the longer it takes for your body to remove it. A small dose might leave your system in a day or two, while larger amounts could stay longer. High doses mean your body has more CBD to process, which takes more time. If you take very large amounts, CBD might take a week or more to fully leave your system.

How Often You Use CBD

If you use CBD every day, it builds up in your body over time. This means it could take longer to leave your system compared to someone who only takes it occasionally. Occasional use allows your body to clear faster, while daily use can make it linger longer. If you stop using CBD after frequent use, it may take a few days to a week to leave your body entirely.

Your Metabolism

Everyone’s body is different. Some people break down substances quickly, while others take longer. If you have a fast metabolism, your body will remove CBD faster. A slower metabolism means CBD stays in your system longer. Your age, activity level, and overall health can also impact how quickly your body processes CBD.

Your Body Fat

CBD is stored in fat cells, so if you have more body fat, it might stay in your system longer because your body takes more time to break it down. People with lower body fat may eliminate it faster since there is less fat to store it. This is why two people taking the same dose may have different clearance times.

Other Factors

Other factors, such as certain medications and foods, can also slow down or speed up how your body processes CBD. If you take some medications, your liver may take longer to break it down. Some foods, especially fatty foods, can also make CBD last longer in your system because they help your body absorb more of it. On the other hand, drinking plenty of water and eating a fibre-rich diet may help speed up the process of removing it.

How Long Does It Take for CBD to Take Effect, and How Long Do the Effects Last?

The time it takes for CBD to start working depends on how you take it. Different methods have different absorption rates;

  • CBD Vaping Pens - This is the fastest method, with effects usually felt within 5 to 15 minutes. However, the effects don’t last very long, typically 2 to 3 hours.
  • Oils and tinctures - When placed under the tongue, CBD absorbs into the bloodstream quickly, and you may feel the effects within 15 to 45 minutes. The effects can last 4 to 6 hours.
  • Edibles (Gummies, Capsules, etc.) - Since edibles have to go through digestion, they take longer to kick in, usually between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Similarly, the effects tend to last longer, up to around 6 to 8 hours.
  • Topicals (Creams, Lotions, etc.) - These don’t enter the bloodstream in significant amounts. However, they start working faster, within minutes to an hour. The effects are usually mostly localised and can last for several hours.

Generally, the effects of CBD can last anywhere from 2 to 8 hours, depending on how you consume it and your body’s unique response.

Other factors like metabolism, dosage, and frequency of use also affect the duration of CBD’s effects. People with faster metabolisms may process CBD more quickly, while those with slower metabolisms may feel the effects for longer. If you use CBD regularly, it may build up in your system, leading to longer-lasting effects.

Does CBD Show Up on Drug Tests?

Most drug tests check for THC, the compound in marijuana that causes a high, not CBD. Pure CBD, without any THC, should not cause a positive drug test. However, some CBD products, especially full-spectrum ones, contain small traces of THC. If enough THC builds up in your system, it could lead to a positive test result.

Another issue is mislabeling. Some CBD products claim to be THC-free but still contain tiny amounts of THC. If you are concerned about drug tests, look for products labelled "broad-spectrum" or "CBD isolate," as these have no THC. Also, buying from reputable brands with third-party lab testing can help ensure you are getting a truly THC-free product.

How Long Does CBD Stay in Different Parts of the Body?

  • Blood - CBD can stay in the blood for about 2 to 5 days. In some cases, it may last a little longer.
  • Saliva - CBD can stay in saliva for up to 24 hours, but this depends on how often you use it.
  • Hair - It can stay in hair for months, even though hair tests don’t necessarily check for CBD.
  • Urine - Most people will clear CBD from their urine in about 2 to 3 days when used once. Moderate use, which includes a couple of times a week, to heavy/ daily use may stay anywhere from 7 up to 30 days and beyond.

How to Get CBD Out of Your System Faster

  • Drink plenty of water - This helps flush CBD out through urine. Staying hydrated supports your body’s natural detox process.
  • Exercise regularly - Physical activity helps your metabolism work faster, which may speed up the breakdown of CBD. Sweating during exercise may also help eliminate some substances.
  • Eat a healthy diet - Consuming fibre-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help your digestive system work more efficiently, moving CBD out of your body faster.
  • Avoid fatty foods - While fats can help absorb CBD, they can also slow down its removal. Sticking to lean proteins and plant-based foods may help your body clear CBD more quickly.
  • Give it time - Your body naturally removes CBD on its own. Depending on how much you have taken and how often, it may take a few days to a week to fully clear from your system.


The exact time that CBD stays in your system depends on various factors, such as how you take it, how much you take it, how often you use it, and your body’s metabolism. For most people, CBD leaves the body within a few hours to a few days, but in some cases, it can take up to a week or more. However, whatever the case, always listen to your body and use CBD in a way that works best for you.

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