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What Does CBD Stand For?

What Does CBD Stand For?

Any regular internet user who is into health and wellness has probably come across CBD several times in recent times. CBD has been receiving tonnes of attention in the recent past in media as an excellent addition to your post-workout shake or morning coffee.

Most of the online resources focus on the benefits and uses of CBD and not about what CBD is. Here’s is a look at CBD and what it’s all about.

CBD is an abbreviation for CannaBiDiol. Cannabidiol is one of the many chemical compounds found the marijuana and hemp plants. It is a cousin to THC another famed chemical compound. THC is best known for its psychoactive properties. Despite being closely related and in the same cannabinoids class, CBD doesn’t have the psychoactive properties. Instead, it is known for its health and wellness properties.

The CBD used to make CBD products you can add to your food or drinks is extracted from the hemp plant. Hemp is a variant of the cannabis sativa plant that is genetically engineered to have a high CBD yield and very low THC content. This allows manufacturers to extract CBD from the hemp plant and maintain low THC concentrations as required by UK law.

Why Do People Use CBD?

There are multiple reasons why people use CBD. Some use CBD as a daily supplement. They add CBD to their food and drinks for its therapeutic benefits.

CBD is also used for its potential health benefits. Anecdotal reports and studies indicate that CBD has various properties that can help in restoring balance and curbing certain symptoms like pain and inflammation.

Other reasons why people use CBD include:

  • To improve sleep cycle
  • To stabilise mood
  • Manage and reduce stress
  • For improved general appetite and metabolism
  • Inflammation
  • Improving focus and alertness

There’s more research and studies underway regarding CBD. Depending on the findings of these studies, there could be more reasons for people to continue taking CBD.

How CBD Works

CBD works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a network of receptors found naturally in all mammals that help to regulate a multitude of functions like pain response, and sleep patterns.

The ECS has compounds called endocannabinoids. These are naturally produced messenger molecules that are similar to the CBD found in hemp. Because of the similarities between the two compounds, CBD has massive influence on the human body through the ECS.

CBD appears to stimulate the production of specific endocannabinoids to confer certain effects to the rest of the body. CBD may also block the enzymes from breaking down some of the endocannabinoids.

Investigations are still on going to fully explain how CBD works in the body to achieve various results. What is clear is that THC and CBD have different ways of interacting with corresponding receptors.

Is CBD Safe?

CBD has been found to be safe with very limited cases of mild side effects. Studies have also shown CBD to have low toxicity making it difficult to overdose on CBD.

Read our blog on: Can You Overdose on CBD?

There have been isolated instances where CBD users have reported mild side effects. These include fatigue, nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness and diarrhoea.

Closing Remarks

The popularity of CBD has ballooned in the last few years. With the studies and research conducted, the future of CBD continues to be bright. A lot more research is still needed to fully understand CBD. At this point, CBD has received a nod and can be sold in the UK as long as it meets the regulations set by the government. CBD has also been confirmed safe for consumption if produced to the required quality standards.  

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